Home Care



To help keep your breath fresh, you must eliminate gum disease while at the same time keeping your mouth clean and fresh. If you suspect you have bad breath, keep a diary of all the foods you eat and list any medicines you are taking. Take this diary to your dentist who may be able to suggest ways to solve the problem.


To help keep your breath fresh, you must eliminate gum disease while at the same time keeping your mouth clean and fresh. If you suspect you have bad breath, keep a diary of all the foods you eat and list any medicines you are taking. Take this diary to your dentist who may be able to suggest ways to solve the problem.

  • Be sure you replace your toothbrush regularly when the bristles get out of shape, usually every three months.
  • Clean between your teeth each day, using dental floss or interdental brushes.


Brush your teeth and gums with a fluoride toothpaste right before bed and at least one other time during the day.

Brush your tongue as well or use a tongue scraper. Cut down on sugary food and drinks. Visit your dental team regularly, as often as is recommended.
Clean in between your teeth with ‘interdental’ brushes or floss at least once a day. Brushing alone cleans only to about 60 percent of the surface of your teeth. There are other products you can buy to clean between your teeth.

Use a mouthwash that contains antibacterial agents. These agents target and kill bacteria and help eliminate bad breath.

If you continue to suffer from bad breath, visit your dental team to make sure your mouthwash is not covering up a more serious underlying problem. Chew sugar-free gum as it helps your mouth produce saliva and stops it from drying out, as a dry mouth can also lead to bad breath.


You should not use a mouthwash just to disguise bad breath. If you find you are using a mouthwash all the time with apparent little relief, talk to your dental team. Many mouthwashes are specially formulated to help prevent bad breath and gum disease. Some mouthwashes contain chlorhexidine, recommended for gum disease, but can cause tooth staining if used over a long period of time. It is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions or at least ask your dental professional how to use them.


Bad breath can also be caused by medical problems. ‘Dry mouth’ (xerostomia) is a condition that results in your mouth producing less saliva. This causes bacterial build-up and can lead to bad breath. Dry mouth may also be caused by some medicines, by salivary gland problems or by continually breathing through your mouth instead of your nose. Older people may produce less saliva causing further problems. If you suffer from dry mouth, your dental team at Smile Nuvo may be able to recommend or prescribe an artificial saliva product. Or they may be able to suggest other ways of dealing with the problem.


Other medical conditions that can possibly cause bad breath include infections in the throat, nose or lungs, sinusitis, bronchitis, diabetes or liver or kidney problems. If your dentist discovers that your mouth is healthy, you may be otherwise referred to your family GP or a specialist as a further investigative step to discover the source of the problem.

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